shatterlines previously...
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a friend of larry's has left us. he was found in his apartment, three-days dead. we think it was drugs but maybe it was sadness.

i am restless, panicked, yet my senses are like stopped clocks. when i stop to think, i am smashing windows. when i stop completely i'm a bird on a wire (i have tried in my way to be free). out of reach. out of touch. out of sight, taste, smell, range, words, love, money, mind, soul. tangled in a tether, quietly crashing to the floor of a gilded cage.

alex t: because it's safer in here than out there. absolute freedom is absolute loneliness. energy that's normally reserved for survival may be expended on more lesiurly pursuits. one can now choose an entire dining-room set, purchase it, and have it delivered within an hour with just one click.
icky p: why does the caged bird sing?

afterburn razormarket kiss kiss tuliped eyed bright boy parachute trip and zoo jump. connor, i miss you.

Three days was the morning.
My focus three days old.
My head, it landed
To the sounds of cricket bows...
jane's addiction
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