shatterlines previously...
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yuri's quitting at work. what a relief. i feel kind of shitty about not directly encouraging mandy to deal with the shit he was pulling. it's all turning out okay, but it's not a clean ending and he's initiating it, so it seems like some victory on his part.

i hate doing graphics for press. i hate it i hate it. i couldn't imagine doing this for a living. give me screen-res or give me death.

i think of daphne every day. it's been a year now. i'm fairly pleased with what i've done with the freedom i wanted so desperately when we were struggling -- but it sucks so bad that i can't share this with her, that my success is not *our* success. i have no energy to look for love again. i still can't seriously imagine being with someone other than her. when i feel like i'm that space with someone, i quickly turn away. even the sight of autumn stirs me only slightly.

i move on. it's what we all do. we wade through life.

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