shatterlines previously...
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i'm changing jobs again. wheeee. that last place was kinda boring and depressing. the environment was very stable and professional and i thought i would enjoy that but i didn't. instead i felt like everyone was unexcited and that made me unexcited and we can't have that, now can we? so i left after one month for a more unstable company in a bigger skyscraper for a bigger salary. i'm a whore. wheeeee.

i have some time off now, so i spent today shopping with the mom, who's in town for a spell. we happened into bed bath & beyond and i went krazy in their kitchen department. i'm a sucker for cool kitchenware, though i haven't so much as baked a muffin since daphne. i always tend to lose all the kitchen stuff, along with my stereos and half my clothes, books, and cds in breakups. generous or apathetic -- not sure which. when i'm in that space i just don't fucking care about anything i just want to drift away. so, i'm with mom and she's here watching me rebuild my kitchen-self again -- pans, mixing bowls, measuring cups, garlic presses, sifters, cheese graters, tea infusers...

"then there's only one thing to be done," said christopher robin. "we shall have to wait for you to get thin again."

"how long does getting thin take?" asked pooh anxiously.

"about a week, i should think."

"but i can't stay here for a week!"

"you can stay here all right, silly old bear. it's getting you out which is so difficult."

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