shatterlines previously...
. . .

my first day at work was tr�s dull. i hope this one's better than the last one. i hope it's not the same stuffy office with the same lousy print-server and the same alpha-male salespeople with the same monotonous sports stories and the same mean office-girls with the same slutty gossip and the same ridiculous deadlines with the same outrageous specs and the same horrible business plans that leads to the same pathetic death of the same dot com. ick.

i was hoping for something that would help me want to stay here. i feel sometimes like i'm being drawn south, but i'm afraid. i love the rain and i love the islands -- it seems so *me* in this place. and sometimes i want to be drawn east. but perhaps it's just a daydream. something that i might destroy just by touching it.

grrrr... i am not speaking freely. i'm in the wrong diary, tonight.

unmarked mix tapes. boxes better left unpacked. a dark room semi-lit by static. butterfly kissing. a strong, silly urge to write poetry again. the silence between songs. cans for pipes.

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