shatterlines previously...
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mmmmmn. this was a nice day. being twenty-# is nice. i called in sick and spent the morning in my favorite position: at the coffee shop in front of my sketchbook. then i played guns-n-roses pinball and got my ass whooped. and then i took a nap. (in the middle of the day? ohmygosh!) and then i talked with my loved one and i felt like we really connected. and i just got back from drinking and i'm merry as hell. wheeee.

i gots me 3 free drinks and a sticky-cam! give a drunken birthday boy some lovin's and a sticky-cam and life is grand.

i'm going to stick pictures of my butt on my butt.

i'm going to wake up tomorrow and feel happy. yes i am. i bought me new shoes, too. gonna strut my stuff. gonna stomp around this 'ole city.

i want to release all this complexity.

thank you boogie for the cuckoo card! thank you panda for the loveleee tears and joy. nite nite, sweetie.


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