shatterlines previously...
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today was fucking batty. all of it good, really. except for these headaches. i need to eat.

i woke up early again but i went for a long walk, like i used to with rachel. it feels different to walk alone. it's difficult for me to find a relaxed pace when i walk alone. i spent the entire morning wandering the city, window shopping and thinking and juicing up on coffee. i wish i'd had my camera with me.

i haven't heard from rachel in awhile. i miss her, this woman who i've known since high school and has helped ruin two of my three most memorable relationships. i wish i could find a way to thank her. she still denys everything. bless her cold heart.

hmn. the rest of my day is summarized as follows:

dragged to an amusement park.

dragged to coffee.

dragged to dinner.

dragged to a concert.

ran into an old crush. --i've never seen anyone so strung out. what horrid things 2 years can do to a person. just smile and be pleasent and don't say what the fuck happened to you and who's this freak hanging on your arm. don't think that you could be the one to save her, just smile and be pleasant.

dragged home.

india, india..

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